Book of love of generations


The Book of Love of Generations

Sexuality and affectivity still remain the elephant in the room when it comes to formal education, but what about the family?

Is sex and love something that can be discussed among families or is it still considered a taboo?  
Do parents talk openly about sexuality with their children? 

How do families express their love? 

How are things different for the younger generations compared to the previous ones? What has changed and what remains?

What would children want to ask their parent about sexuality, and what would parents now do differently compared to their own parents?

Are the taboos still the same as 20 years ago? What remains unspoken within a family?

People of different generations from Hungary, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands shared their experiences and took part in an dialogue between generations regarding sex, relationships and affectivity. 

Intergenerational dialogues on sexuality and relationships

Intergenerational Interviews

Intergenerational interview from the Netherlands 

Intergenerational interview from Hungary

Intergenerational interviews from Italy

Intergenerational interviews from Greece

Intergenerational interview from the Netherlands 

Intergenerational interview from Hungary

Intergenerational interviews from Italy

Intergenerational interviews from Greece