Το 3ο και τελευταίο ενημερωτικό δελτίο της ISEX έχει πλέον δημοσιευτεί!
Το ISEX έφτασε στο τέλος του μετά από τρία χρόνια γεμάτα δραστηριότητες, εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, εκπαιδεύσεις εκπαιδευτικών και συνεδρίες καθοδήγησης!

Το 3ο και τελευταίο ενημερωτικό δελτίο της ISEX έχει πλέον δημοσιευτεί!
Το ISEX έφτασε στο τέλος του μετά από τρία χρόνια γεμάτα δραστηριότητες, εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, εκπαιδεύσεις εκπαιδευτικών και συνεδρίες καθοδήγησης!
The Eastern- Hungarian Community Service Foundation was founded more than 20 years ago with the aim to serve and represent communities. Since then, the foundation initiates and supports various community development processes particularly to solve social, cultural and environment protection questions that occurred in the region. Pays emphasized attention to youth and unemployment issues. In the last 20 years the foundation promoted mapping, exploiting and developing the human resources of the settlements in the region and helped the birth and operation of many smaller and bigger local communities. |
The foundation supported the strengthening of the civil sphere by counseling and building networks. The organization popularized the good practices of the national and international community building through professional forums, guidance, experience sharing, training and disputes. Published professional brochures and books that can help communities to operate, to get to know good practices, ideas and to build connections locally, at national level and internationally.
The Foundation ran an Information and Counseling Office and Community Database for more than a decade. Organized professional consultancy for civil organizations and non- formal groups. Organized countless professional trainings and workshops, community development programs, Civil Disputes, Community weekends and Community Surveying. Published settlement calendars and booklets presenting the local history and exploring local values and resources, bringing back forgotten local traditions and treasures, giving new options and motivating community development or simply revive „sleeping” villages.
The Foundation established the István Koppány Award to reward civil excellence. For many years, since 1997, ran the Civil Academy Workshop series.
In 2019, the original Board of Trustees and the founder of EHCSF (KMKA) decided to retire and give place for new initiatives within the organization. Beyond promoting community development further in the region, the new leadership mainly focuses on issues related to women and young people. We would like to promote and take part in local, national and international programs and initiatives that are aiming to support these aim groups to ensure acceptance, understanding, cooperation and high quality, hearty measures.
CESIE is a European Centre of Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily. It was established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the sociologist, activist and educator Danilo Dolci (1924-1997).
Our mission is to promote educational innovation, participation and growth. CESIE’s slogan, the world is only one creature, express the philosophy for which the organisation works: inclusion and equity for all.
CESIE is structured in 6 main units:
Symplexis is a Greek non-for-profit organization that strives to ensure equal opportunities for all through actions and measures that build skills, empower and promote active engagement and participation focusing on the most vulnerable categories of the population and particularly those with fewer opportunities. Symplexis’ mission is to elevate social cohesion through integrated actions and project-based activities that aim at promoting the inclusion of disadvantaged groups at risk of marginalization and exclusion, while promoting and protecting the rights of various types of population groups that face discrimination focusing on the empowerment and support of victims, awareness raising and information sharing at all level.
Symplexis’ activity builds on user-led approaches and interventions around four main axes of expertise, namely:
Safeguarding the local intellectual and material traditions in Herceghalom. Supporting the maintenance of the local traditions and values by initiating cultural activities locally. Strengthening and supporting the cultural, musical, leisure time and community development activities in Herceghalom.
MESE funktions as a social organization and it was founded in 1989.The association works for people with disabilities, especially for persons with reduced mobility, for disadvantaged people and their families. It protects and represents of their individual or collective interests, deals with issues related to their life difficulties and problems. |
In Touch Mission: Fostering healthy relationships
Sharing positive approach to sexuality and intimacy Activities: Gender / Sexuality / Relationships:
Local, national, international based projects
Trainings, workshops, developing learning tools
Research, professional networks
Social Gardening:
Designing and organising community gardens
Bringing communities together
Engaging activities with nature How: Creating safe and brave space to learn and grow together
Translating between cultures, social disciplines and generations
Creating connection between nature and humans, individuals and communities
Intimacy - Interaction - Power - 'Intimacy - Interaction - Power' was developed by the staff of In Touch, Amsterdam. Its aim is to foster social integration at different levels, to help people build and maintain healthy relationships with a special focus on close relations. Beyond its main pillars — empowerment, intimacy and social interaction – there are other important elements, such as process-oriented learning, critical thinking, inclusion and systemic focus.
Intimacy is the focal point of this methodology and approach, to which we do not provide one primary definition, but rather encourage the group to explore relationships, intimacy from different angles.
We aim to learn skills and practices that young people later can apply in their social and sexual relationships: learning together how to identify our own patterns and characteristics of intimate situations, spot unhealthy and unwanted patterns. In this method, the aim is to uncover the dynamics of power and to learn to express emotions honestly.
The CSAT Association was founded in 1988 and has been active in the fields of employment policy, human resources and management, adult soft skill trainings and provided relevant services such as development, consulting and informing. CSAT Association has got expertise in youth unemployment management, the use of traditional and innovative employment policy techniques and initialization of labour market programs. It owns a long term expertise on the formal and informal education through implementation of school programs focusing on emotional intelligence skills, internet safety, crime prevention and avoiding victimization as well as social inclusion of disadvantaged pupils. |